Thursday, December 17, 2009

NHE Philosophy

The NHE philosophy to me, simply put… do no harm.

Some of the quotes you will find throughout…

      “The horse is always right”

              “The horse is an exact science”

                      “There is no such thing as a bad horse”

                               “We are the tutors of kings!”

you can take these words to heart here.

When brutality and all forms of coercion are left behind the horses true nature, incredible intelligence, forgiveness and compassion will shine through. New communication, two-way communication, can then be established without the need of bits, bridles, halters or any other artificial aid.

It is time for change, for humans to live up to their defining words according to Mr. Webster… “the quality or state of being humane” being humane, “marked by compassion, sympathy or consideration for others”. The NHE way of living is an everyday state of being in synchronicity, harmony and communication with all of life.

So you see, this is the development of the human, bringing out the genius that has always been in the horse.

They are waiting for us!

rescued from a medical research facility
where he received hundreds of injection daily.


The Influence

Silver Gal Shea...
aka Ladybug has influenced me to take a closer look at the true nature of human ~ horse relationships. Purchased as a “ranch raised, ranch broke, reining and working cow horse, the owners personal mount, from a large Texas ranch." It seemed she would be a nice broke horse, perfect, my dream horse.

As our relationship developed I discovered she was overly sensitive and highly explosive... a physically and emotionally damaged friend with a heart of gold. Perfect in every way!

As each of her injuries, sustained in the name of training, were revealed to me it forced me to learn how and why. The progression from the obvious saddle sores, to the not so obvious lacerated tongue and shattered supraorbital process, opened my eyes to the suffering horses endure at our human hands. Endured only for the sake of turning them into non thinking beasts of burden, machinery, living amusement rides.

I hope she along with all others can influence you to take a closer look also.