Sunday, June 20, 2010


We learned from Ladybug, Paisley, Patch and Zippy, the horse is always right.

They always show us truth even when we are not able to see it. What they always give us is honesty, fairness, forgiveness and love in its purest form.

Because no one in this small group needed to be convinced of this it was a fortifying collaboration of experiences, stories and deeper learning with our conductor, Maurizio Patti. We experienced the subtle ways our horses are always communicating with us.

The evenings were magical too, with music, food, friends, and fire. Saturday evening we were incredibly blessed to have Gentle Thunder share her stories and music, playing her beautiful Native American flutes and Hammer Dulcimer, it deepened the entire experience.

I hope this slideshow can help convey the feelings we experienced with and through each other, the animals, trees, flowers, birds, wind and mountain…

I now invite you to join this collaboration, together we can change the reality for both horses and people in a positive way. We are the leading edge of an ever evolving humanity, on purpose and exactly on time.

They are waiting for us!