Friday, April 1, 2011

Healing the Spirit from the Light Within

“Healing is truth, sickness is hiding, it splits life. Creation is selfless. Selfish possession kills it.” -- Rita Pitka Blumenstein

Alaska Gathering
The 13 Grandmothers travel once again from the four corners of the world, calling upon the love and light of the Creator for the healing of the Earth and all beings. Join us for the Grandmothers’ 9th Council Gathering, as we honor our beloved and cherished Grandmother Rita Pitka Blumenstein and her Yup’ik people in majestic Alaska.

Grandmother Rita's Story from Laughing Willow on Vimeo.

For The Next 7 Generations Trailer from Laughing Willow on Vimeo.

“My church is the earth and the sky.
And I pray for all in between the sky and the earth.
We are all part of the fabric.”
Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Confederated Tribes of Siletz

Super excited to be going to Alaska and join this special gathering! Although this event has nothing to do with horses it has everything to do with humanity... therefore horses, as there is not a single one untouched by us. So I will share the experience with you here.