“Evolution is a cosmic process that is going somewhere in and through time. And we are all part of that process. This simple fact is potentially life-transforming, but it's also hard to grasp at a deep level. The process that created us is moving. We tend to see the world around us as static. But it's not. It's going somewhere. We're going somewhere. Awakening to this truth about all of manifestation changes the way we see the world around us and our place in it. The biggest and most important part of this awakening is that we discover our power to affect where the process that created us is going. We realize the ultimate reason for our own existence: to be a spiritual hero, to boldly take responsibility for the future of the process itself.”
To this I will add, from the Native Great Sioux Nation...
“Each of us is put here in this time and place to personally decide the future of human kind. Did you think we were put here for something less?”
"It is a time of great urgency to unite for Peace and Harmony upon Mother Earth in order for our future generations to survive."
And Jesus said “All that I have done, you will do that and more.”
Well in many ways we have, we have jets, trains, cars, cell phones, computers, and the world wide web bringing us information from every culture, philosophy, religion, belief system, activist, antagonist, the self-righteous, the benevolent, both loving and hating, ascended or shadow.
What do we choose to do with all of this information? Do we not have a greater responsibility to it than ever before? Can we continue to live in this time of rapid change without changing and evolving ourselves? Can we walk a Christ like path? Do no harm? Can we live up to our very definition?
Every culture and religion has its own story, its own prophecy, or mythology, and at their core they all tell us this same thing, we are all one. Everyone has this call within, that call to be a part, do something, to create. Maybe in a ceremony, prayer, ritual, song or teaching will be found what is needed for restoring our own inner balance, nurturing our own inner light, our very being. Then, after the understanding, or the enlightenment, comes the real work, to be the creative evolutionary process, on time and on purpose. We can share all that love with the world, nurturing, loving and healing others, the children, the animals, nature, water, our planet.
Return to the heart and then do something. We are the people who have become aware of our own evolution, and this is the time of great change... not survival of the fittest. This is not a time for fear; this is the great awakening and should bring feelings of pride, purpose and excitement.
"If you and I, as human beings, can change totally, then whatever we do will be righteous."
"Who uses well his light, reverting to its source so bright, will from this body end all blight."